The qualities of kapha are heavy, slow, soft, cool, dense, liquid and smooth. These qualities can show up in a variety of different ways within the body and mind, some of which we find desirable and some which can be quite challenging to work with.
Some of the more challenging aspects of kapha dosha might include feelings of heaviness, lethargy, and a lack of motivation. Physically, these kapha attributes may show up as congestion, weight gain, and a sluggish digestion.
For many of us, these feelings become exaggerated with the arrival of winter and the cold, gray kapha season, leaving us feeling heavy and dull.
When it comes to kapha, we often tend to fixate on these “negative” and imbalanced attributes of the dosha. So when people hear that they may be more kapha-predominant or that their kapha has increased, they tend to get worried, upset, or even offended.
Without kapha, we would lack substance, structure and lubrication in our bodies. We would lack compassion and sweetness in our demeanor. We would lack a sense of grounding, stability, and true presence in our lives. And we would miss out on a whole lot of juiciness and love!
I’m here to tell you why balanced kapha is both necessary and beautiful, and why we would do well to embrace and appreciate our kapha, especially this time of year!
The Gifts of Balanced Kapha
1. Kapha Is Loving and Compassionate
Kapha folks just might be semi-famous for their big, welcoming hugs, which are so grounding for vata and softening for pitta. We adore those hugs! Kapha is the teddy bear who loves quickly and easily and wants to spread that love to everyone they meet. Kapha knows no strangers; they’ll open their homes to anyone.
Where in your life can you embrace this aspect of kapha and be more loving and compassionate and accepting of others?
2. Kapha Is Loyal
In the body, kapha is responsible for the cohesiveness and structure of the tissues. You might think of kapha’s sturdy presence as a form of loyalty to our other body systems. Without its structure, we would float away.
In the realm of relationship, there is no one as loyal as kapha. Just as our bones and muscle tissue hold our bodies together, kapha is the true friend that will always show up when you need them and never let you down.
Where can you show up more in your life? Where can you offer the gift of solid presence and support?
3. Kapha Is Disciplined
Kapha dosha is a combination of water and earth elements. You might think of the steadiness of a river—the way the earth holds and gives shape to the water and the way the water nourishes and slowly shapes the earth.
Once they develop a good routine, the endurance of kapha, like a river, will just keep flowing and never stop. Kapha is steadfast in all endeavors.
Are there any areas in your life where you can be more consistent and disciplined?
4. Kapha Is Forgiving
Another one of kapha\’s role in the body is lubrication and protection. It is the cerebral spinal fluid that insulates the brain, the synovial fluid that cushions the joints, and the mucous that protects the stomach and intestinal lining.
These qualities are ultimately forgiving of the vata (drying) and pitta (heating) forces in our bodies. On the outside, kapha’s loving nature can outshine any hurts and forgive all wounds.
Are you holding on to any grudges that you can release? Where in your life can find kapha\’s ability to forgive?
Bringing Out Balanced Kapha Dosha
Perhaps you are ready to welcome in these beautiful kapha qualities, but you know you need help balancing some excess kapha first. When we think of balancing kapha dosha and finding that kapha sweet spot, there are a few qualities that we want to embrace.
Because kapha out of balance can feel especially heavy, slow, and stuck, we want to incorporate some warmth and lightness into our lives. This can take the form of stimulating activities and exercise, eating a lighter, warming diet, and keeping our bodies and environments warm and dry.
Of course, there are also some amazing herbs to bring warmth and stimulation from the inside out. The Kapha Balancing Bundle has everything kapha dosha needs at this time of year or any time kapha goes out of balance. Here’s a peek at what these products offer:
- Healthy Kapha brings the astringent and drying qualities of bhibitaki, chitrak, tulsi, and turmeric, balancing out any excess heaviness and dampness.
- Kapha Digest stimulates the appetite and digestive process with ginger, pippali, and black pepper, supporting sluggish kapha digestion.
- Triphala supports healthy elimination and gentle detoxification, helping to move any excess kapha out of the body.
- Kapha Massage Oil harnesses the power of drying, warming, and lightening herbs, increasing circulation and promoting healthy movement of the lymph.
Embrace Your Balanced Kapha!
Kapha at its essence is the absolute expression of love. Kapha speaks from the heart and connects to others from a place of warmth and acceptance. The soft, slow, sweetness of kapha is the perfect balance to the fast and fiery pitta drive of the world, and kapha’s steadiness is the perfect grounding force for our fast-paced, whirlwind, vata-driven lives.
We all need kapha to slow us down, make us pause, and remind us to love our lives. As I like to say, “What the world needs now, is kapha, sweet kapha.” Without kapha, the natural kindness that exudes from our hearts and connects us to others would be forgotten.
Embrace your kapha. Embrace the love!