Ayurveda traditional Indian medicine, can be a force of transformation in our lives. Ayurveda literally means “the science of life” and teaches us to tune into both the visible and subtle indicators within the body, mind, and spirit.
The Ayurvedic tradition also offers us a wide variety of different therapeutic strategies to achieve positive changes, including tools that help us determine the health constitution of our current imbalance.
The Panchakarma, through the elimination of toxins, restores the communication between the channels of the body and improves the self-referential functioning of the DNA, in this way the biological intelligence has a frictionless flow for a holistic functioning of the physiological system. Each part it’s well connected with the other parts of the body, and the body functions as a unified whole.
When one reaches this level of functioning, the immune system fully maintains its integrity. Ayurveda, through these techniques, aims to put all the intelligence of nature at the disposal of human physiology.

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