Ayuveda and The Doshas
Week 1: Kapha Dosha The Ancient healing art of Ayuveda has been a practice in India for over 3000 years […]
Week 1: Kapha Dosha The Ancient healing art of Ayuveda has been a practice in India for over 3000 years […]
These doshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, represent a unique blend of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and ether) and dictate individual health and personality traits.
The human body was designed to move, as evidenced by the three hundred and sixty joints in the human skeletal
Men’s skin suffers from aggravated Pitta-Kapha dosha when skin is not maintained or cleansed properly. Therefore, the key in Ayurveda
Do you like to exert control? Do you chase perfection or know when to let go? That dosha – or